CORD presents Rare Disease Drug Strategy Webinars

CORD presents Rare Disease Drug Strategy Webinars

PMPRB: Friend or Foe of Rare Disease Drug Strategy

In February 2019 the federal government committed $1billion over two years starting in 2022 to set up a Canadian Rare Disease Drug Strategy. In August 2019, the government approved regulatory changes to the PMPRB with announced intention to lower drug prices. In theory, are disease drugs would be more accessible. Conversely, pricing could be so severely restricted relative to international norms that many innovative and rare therapies will not be launched in Canada.

On November 6th, Webinar 3 in CORD’s Rare Drug Strategy Consultation, a multi-stakeholder panel will consider the potential impact of the PMPRB revised guidelines on entry and access of rare disease therapies, using “real” case examples. Alternatives will be invited to deliberate on alternatives to the PMPRB guidelines that could better meet the Triple Aim of “timely appropriate patient access”, “optimal, sustainable healthcare expenditure”, and “non-excessive industry compensation that incentivizes launching new therapies and future R&D.”

2020 Consultation Dates
  • Webinar 3: Nov 6 @ 12 pm ET. Addressing individualized needs for rare therapies (Webinar 3 Registration)
  • Webinar 4: Nov 20 @ 12 pm ET. Streamlined rare drug processes across regulatory, HTA, and pricing agencies (Webinar 4 Registration)
  • Webinar 5: Dec 4 @ 12 pm ET. Innovative funding for rare therapies from generic to transformative (Webinar 5 Registration) 

Passed webinar slides can be downloaded here:

Past full webinar are available on CORD's YouTube channel:


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